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Smoking and Back Pain

Short-term relief, long-term pain

A recent study has revealed that smokers are three times more likely to suffer from back pain than those who do not smoke. [1]

Smoking slows down blood circulation and reduces the flow of nutrients to joints, which in turn damages tissue in the lower back.  Smoking may also affect the way the brain sends pain signals to the body and therefore may increase the risk of pain.

While smoking is a difficult habit to kick because of how nicotine and tobacco trick the body into feeling good, no temporary pleasure is worth a life of pain.

Including exercise into your everyday routine is extremely important.

Exercise activates endorphins, chemicals in the brain, that can help you feel good and has the potential to decrease pain. If the pain is not subsiding than think about seeing a doctor to kick the smoking habit and a Chiropractor to help get the pain under control. The effects of smoking such as: heavy coughing, slowed circulation as well as growth and damaged tissues has the potential to increase the risk of back pain. The next time you are in agonising pain, think about choices you could make to improve overall health.
