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Low impact exercise

A workout doesn’t have to include jumping or jogging to be effective. In fact, high impact exercises can be jarring on the body or joints, placing you at greater risk of injuries. Low impact exercises can improve your fitness and health, without causing harm to your joints. 

What is low impact exercise? 

It is important to remember that low impact doesn’t equate to less effort, or low intensity. Exercises that are gentle on your body and joints, or are performed in a fluid motion, are considered low impact. Though this can be less strenuous, low impact exercises can be adjusted to suit all fitness levels. 

When is low impact exercise a better option?

Opting for low impact exercise can be better if you have suffered an injury or faced illness. Low impact exercise is a great way to get moving and maintain your fitness without placing stress on your joints. It can also be a good starting-point if you are new to exercise or pregnant, for example.  

What are some examples of low impact exercise? 

There are plenty of options for low impact exercise, but some of the most popular include: 

  • Walking
  • Dancing 
  • Cycling 
  • Swimming 
  • Yoga 
  • Pilates

What are the benefits to low impact exercise? 

Alongside injury prevention, many forms of low impact exercises focus on developing flexibility and improving strength or balance. These are important for maintaining a healthy and active body. Low impact exercise can also be used as an active recovery from high intensity activities.