Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire -Results
We would like the thank the 242 patients who completed the questionnaire in August for their support – the results are great as you can see – thank you. It was amazing that 100% of you felt that you would recommend your friends and family to us and this is the best way to share the benefits of chiropractic – by sharing your experience.
We were sad to learn that many of you are unaware of the information available to you on our website – so try and have a little browse around there when you have time – if you are on Facebook – don’t forget to like us then you will get up to date tips and information as soon as we get them.
Look out for this months challenge where Andrew is asking you to give us a review on Google please.
The Clinic:
- Do you find the clinic’s opening hours meet your requirements for calling to make appointments and for your treatment sessions? 100% Yes
- When you call the clinic to make appointments do you find your call is answered promptly?
Always 92% Sometimes 5% Not often 1 % Never 0%
- Do you find the receptionists to be helpful and pleasant in offering you the appointment you require?
Always 96% Sometimes 3% Not often 0% Never 1%
- If you are unable to gain an appointment, are you offered a place on the waiting list?
Always 47% Sometimes 7% Not often 1% Never 0% NA 45%
- How do you travel to the clinic? Please circle all that apply
Car 93% Taxi 4% Bus 2% Tram 4% Bike 5% Walk 13% Other 8%
- If you travel by car do you manage to obtain a parking space?
Always 82% Sometimes 8% Not often 0% Never 1% N/A 9
- When you arrive at the clinic are you always welcomed by the receptionists?
Always 99% Sometimes 1% Not often 0% Never 0%
- Do you find the facilities the reception area offers meet your needs?
Fully 92% Mostly 8% Not Really 0% Not at all 0%
Your treatment experience:
- Are you seen on time for your appointment?
Always 52% Sometimes 45% Not often 3% Never 0%
- Do you feel that your chiropractor listens to you?
Always 98% Sometimes 2% Not often 0% Never 0%
- Do you find that your chiropractor understands your condition and helps you understand what your problem is?
Always 98% Sometimes 2% Not often 0% Never 0%
- Does your chiropractor explain what your treatment procedure involves and what it is trying to achieve?
Always 90% Sometimes 10% Not often 0% Never 0%
- Does your chiropractor share addition advice and information with you? Yes 100%
If yes please circle all that apply:
Exercise and fitness 79%, postural advice 58% diet advice 15%
Healthy living and lifestyle 21% other 8%
- Do you find the text reminder service helpful? Yes 95% / No 1% / NA 4%
- Did you know there is an out of hours help line? Yes 53%/ No 47%
- Do you find the clinic newsletters informative? Yes 62% / No 13%/ NA 25%
- Do you use the clinic website? Yes 19% / No 72% / N/A 9%
- What do you use it for? Circle all that apply:
contact details 4% opening times 5% price guide 2% information 7%
blogs 3% podcasts 8% newsletters 7% exercise videos 41% other 8%
- Are you on Facebook? Yes 55% / No 42% / N/A 3%
- Did you know that the clinic shares topical information on Facebook on a regular basis?
Yes 19% / No 70% / N/A 11%
- Would you recommend your friends and family to the clinic? Yes 100% /No
- How would you rate your overall experience of the clinic on a scale of 1-10?
(10 being excellent and 1 being poor) 66% 10/10, 27% 9/10, 6% 8/10. <1% 7/10