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Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder, a painful condition that many people experience, is also known as ‘adhesive capsulitis’, and affects around 5% of the UK population.

This condition occurs when the capsule of the shoulder suddenly becomes thickened, in which it adheres the humeral head of the upper limb. This causes a significant loss of motion, as well as associated pain and a loss of normal function.

While the exact mechanism for frozen shoulder remains somewhat unclear, it is thought to occur in response to prolonged inflammation within the shoulder joint.

Frozen shoulder has been shown to result in significant postural deviations that are typical of people who spend too much time in a seated position. 

This means excessive thoracic curvature, forward shoulders, and a permanently elevated scapula. In this manner, the shoulder often appears to be in a position of permanent ‘shrugging’.

Chiropractic care is commonly used to treat frozen shoulder. Joints and muscle tissues undergo manipulation. The chiropractor applies pressure and stretches key points to help reduce pain and resolve the condition.